'Are Ye Dancin', has been selected for screening at the Waterford International Film Festival 2024.
It is a filmic poem, and a collaboration with poet Sara Shine. It is a visual response to Sara's poem by the same name aired on RTE radio 1 on Sunday Miscellany in February 2023.
This work evokes that era, when love stories had secret lives..
Selected as one of the 100 artists to showcase recent work at this new exhibition space in Dublin in conjunction with the Hamilton Gallery. The Hamilton Gallery, in partnership with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland, are delighted to present "Europe in the heart of Ireland" exhibition at this inaugural exhibition at the Europa Gallery on 11 Chatham Street, Dublin 2:
The exhibition will be open to the public from 7th October - 22nd November 2024.
We are so proud to showcase these 100 works on Dublin's newest international stage - The Europa Gallery - and look forward also to bringing these pieces home to the West of Ireland to exhibit at Hamilton Gallery in Sligo later this year.
For sales enquiries: please direct interested parties to the curator, Martina Hamilton at The Hamilton Gallery - email : info@hamiltongallery.ie - and we will follow up to arrange sales.
#EuropaGalleryD2 #EuropeintheheartofIRL
"Who Owns My Body', receives an honorable mention at the Clew Bay (Achill Island) Film Festival 2024
Loop Festival Barcelona 2023
Invited artist along with Laura Skehan and Robert Monaghan at the 'LOOP' festival through Damer House Gallery in celebration of 'Ten Years Homeland Celebration'. An video event organised by Therry Ruddin and Patricia Hurl to platform video / film work in Ireland. Looking forward to this years get together in Barcelona. It's an exciting festival to be involded in and always lots to see. I'll post more information here nearer the time. The Irish screening of work is on the 16th of November 2023 at Alalimón Galería, Barcelona. Map to the Gallery
Showing work at this years Royal Ulster Academy of Arts Open Submission. Looking forward to the launch on the 13th of October. The exhibition will run until the beginning of Janurary 2024.
Showing work at the First Biennial Exhibition in The Ballinglen Museum of Art on the 7th of October. Best wishes to the team up in Ballycastle. The exhibition runs until early January 2023.
October 2023
Honoured to have been selected by the esteemed artist panel that is Eugènia Bacells, Barbara Freeman and John Gerrard to showcase work at this years Homeland 2023 '10 Years Homeland' celebration in Damer Hse on the 7th of October and on the 16th of November in Barcelona at the prestigious 'LOOP' festival. Three visual artists were selected to represent the anniversary from ten years of artists screenings of 'Homeland' over the years, so I'm delighted to be one of the three. Robert Monaghan and Laura Skehan are the other two artists, so I'm in good company there. See you on the Rambla!
Delighted to be the Prize Winner at the Birr Vintage Week and Arts Festival 2023.The exhibition takes place on the 4th August at Oxmantown National School and is curated by Amanda Jane Graham. The work selected is a film work title 'Who Owns My Body', It's Ezra's story about being a young transgender person facing societal prejudices.
Ezra Maloney and Ailbhe Smyth feminist and LGBTQ+I activtist.
Delighted to be showing paintings in this exhibition curated by Catherine Hammond and sharing the space with Tom Climent, Debbie Dawson and Carol Hodder. The exhibiton is on in the Marino Church in Bantry and runs until the 12th of August.
For further information please contact Catherine Hammond.
Delighed to be a part of this exciting group show in Rua Red with 'Who Owns My Body', Ezra's story, about being a trans gender person in Ireland in the year 2023.
The selection panel for this year’s Spring Open is Maria McKinney (Artist, Rua Red Studio), Maolíosa Boyle (Rua Red), Hugh McCarthy (Rua Red, and Órla McGovern (Rua Red)
Image: Pleased To Meet You by Emily McGardle, Rua Red, ‘Displacement and Belonging’ - Home, Spring Open 2023. Photo by Dave Reilly
'Who Owns My Body' Still From The Film Work from the Winter Open exhibition in RUA RED 'Displacement and Belonging" 24th Feburary 2023
Group Show
‘Displacement and Belonging’ - Home
Spring Open
24 February - 22 April 2023
Sarah Jayne Booth, Sorcha O’Brien, Mary Burke, Rayleen Clancy, Niamh Clarke, Ishmael Claxton, Lorraine Cleary, John Conway, Michael Croghan, Gemma Crowe, Órlaith Cullinane, Beata Daly, Susan Dolan, Cara Donaghey, Blaine O’Donnell, Karen Donnellan, Olivia O’Dwyer, Mary Fahy, Chris Finnegan, David Fox, Mel French, Emily McGardle, Nasrin Golden, Caoimhe McGuckin, Roisín McGuigan, Seiko Hayase, Joesph Heffernan, Aoife Herrity, Sylvia Hill, Edel Hogan, Conor Horgan, Myfanwy Frost Jones, Lauren Kelly, Sharon McKeown, Jo Killalae, Jackie Hudson Lalor, Maelisa Lennon, Eve Li, Jeanette Lowe, Daithi Magner, Ciara McMahon, Bernie Masterson, Sheena Malone, Janet Morris, Joanne Murphy, Olivia Normile, Naomi Sex, Derval Tubridy, Vidya Vivek, Ellen-Rose Wallace
Delighted to be screening my short film work called ‘Gray’, as part of the Ranelagh Arts Festival Film programme 2022. The screening of ‘Gray’ will take pace on Monday the 19th in the Stella cinema in the Devlin Hotel. Ticket can be bought on evenbrite, …So if you’d like a break from all things Royal, and would like to support the arts, do join us at 1pm in the Stella cinema in Ranelagh, we’d love to see you there and have a chat after.
This work investigates the complex nature of identity through a short documentaries told by Gray about the life of a queer woman . The philosopher Michel Foucault describes this process as an ethics of the self: a praxis of becoming. This film work explores that interconnected process.
'Last Dance' a short film work was selected for the Artlink Summer Exhibition based on
theme of 'The Point of Perspective', and curated by Lindsay Merlihan.
Three Generations of Queers gets another outing.....selected by Toronto International Film Festival for July 2022. Great news altogether!
The short film work called 'Last Dance' has been officially selected by Micro Mania Film Festival with a view to a screening in September all going well. This work is a collaboration between poet Máighréad Medbh, myself and musician Eoin Flood.
Bloomsday Film Festival 13th June 2022
How To Make A Magic Carpet had its world premiere at the Bloomsday Film Festival in June 2022 at the James Joyce Centre in Dublin, Ireland with a live screening on the 13th June. This work is another collaboration with the Irish poet Máighréad Medbh and was produced with the support of Arts Council funding.
Venice Fullshot Film Festival - Another Honorable Mention for 'She Sings Within Walls. Delighted it's being received so well.
'She Sings Within Wall' is a visual response to a poem written by the Irish Poet Mághréad Medbh whom Masterson has collaborated with on several other works. She Sings Within Walls is a poem from Parvit of Agelast: A Verse Fantasy publish by Arlen House Dublin (2016). The girl played by Josephine McKenzie is accompanied by her mother singing 'Ce Soir Je Serai La Plus Belle'. The voice over is by Máighréad Medbh. Directed and produced by Bernie Masterson 2021.
'She Sings Within Wall', Red Moon Film Festival 31st May (2022)
She Sings Within Walls
Award Winner for the Toronto Indie Filmmakers Festival 27th May (2022)
She Sings Within Walls
Award Winner for Best Experimental Film Delta International Film Festival 27th May (2022)
She Sings Within Walls
Honorable Mention 'She Sings Within Walls', Roma Short Film Festival (2022)
Honorable Mention ‘She Sings Within Walls’, New Wave Short Film Festival 4th May Munich Germany (2022)
Award Winner ‘She Sings Within Wall’, Global Shorts Film Festival 22nd April (2022)
Award Winner (Microshort Section) Airflix Film Festival 23rdApril (2022)
She Sings Within Walls
Honorable Mention ‘She Sings Within Walls’,Tokyo International Short Film Festival 4thApril (2022)
Interview with Tokyo International Short Film Festival here
Delighted to be a part of this inaugural Achill Island Film Festival, where 'Three Generations of Queers' will be screened during the weekend of the 20th -22nd of May 2022. Hope to see some familiar faces there.
Good news for the film work 'Gray'.
My short film titled 'Gray' was selected for this festival and screened on the
12th Feburary in LA 2022. It tells the story of an older LGBTQ+ woman in
her eighties who narrates an inspirational story of her life from a teaching
nun to the present day.
Pleased to have work included in this exhibition
St Brigid’s Well, curated by the Hamiliton Gallery.
86 invited women artists respond to a new poem from Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin
In association with Lá Fhéile Bríde / St Brigid’s Day Celebration of Women and Creativity organised by the Irish Governments Department of Foreign Affairs.
Runs from the 1st of Febuary - end of March.
Dan Dowling President of the RUA presents the prizes to the winners on behalf of the sponsors at the Royal Ulster Academy's new premises at 5 Donegall Square South, Belfast, BT1 5JA Northern Ireland for the 140th Annual Exhibition on the 27th November.
The sponsors of my prize are the 'Irish News' newpaper, for a work reflecting contermporary Ireland, shot four days before Xmas 2020...
This was a truly lovely film festival to be a part of with my work 'Flight'. I really enjoyed their workshops and screenings. One to watch out for next year. Waterford Film Festival
'Flight' does it again. Showing at the Delta International Film Festival in India this November.
Showing 'Three Generations of Queers'. Delighted to be in this wonderful festival.
The Royal Ulster Academy Annual Open Exhibition 2021
My short called 'The Longest Night' was selected for this years Royal Ulster Academy Annual Exhibition, and was given a prize by the 'Irish News' newspaper for a work reflecting contemporary Ireland. The adjudicator this year is Dr. Eimear O' Connor. Thrilled.
IndieCork is delighted to present art(ist) FILM, an initiative in collaboration with Munster Technological University (MTU) Arts Office, MTU Crawford College of Art & Design and MTU Cork School of Music, presenting moving image work by student and graduate artists annually at the IndieCork Film Festival.
Another platform for 'Flight'. Great to be included in this programme of screenings and discussions.
Thrilled to have had two works screened at Queerbee in London this September,
a short called 'Patricia' and another called "Ezra'.
Delighted to have work selected for this International Film Festival and to have
received an "Exceptional Merit' award for this documentary detailing the live of
an older LGTBQ+ woman.
I'm delighted to be a recipient of the new Arts Council Agility Award round one... onwards to new work.
I Am What I am
5th June – 31st July
Exhibition and Events
Curated by Sinead Keogh, 'I Am What I Am' is nuanced celebration of queer artists who work with gender, sexuality, identity and queer politics. This adventurious exhibition, presented in partnership with mayo County Council Arts Service, in Ballina Arts Centre will bring together artists from all backgrounds to unite in a diverse exploration of queer art in Ireland today. Screening of 'Three Generations of Queers'.
Artlink 'Bring The Mind Home' exhibition curated by Kaithlynn Webster screening 'The Longest Night'
'Meditations in Time of Civil War' is the 2021 Annual Invited Artists exhibition of small works curated by Hamilton Gallery, Sligo. 125 invited artists are taking part this year, all of whom have created a new painting inspired by, or drawing upon this major poem by WB Yeats.
Check out the advertisement for the Royal Ulster Academy Annual Exhibition 2021 in the Irish Arts Review for details.
‘Flight’ selected for Lacuna Festival 2021 International, Contemporary Arts Festival: Distance (02-07-2021) Check out the festival at www.lacunafestivals.com.
‘Three Generation of Queers’ selected for ‘I Am What I Am’ programming (05-07-2021) this summer at the Ballina Arts Centre – keep an eye out.
Awarded a MART residency supported by the Arts Council of Ireland (deferred due to Covid-19)
‘Incarceration Altars’ and ‘The lives we live’ publication by Grangegorman public art - https://ggda.ie/public_art
Screening, 'Bold Writing' Mexindex 2020 Open Submission, curated by Richard Ashrowan, founder of Alchemy Film Festival, Scotland, December - www.mexindex.ie
Invited to present a zoom lecture on my work and practice to 4th year education students in NCAD by the Department of Visual Culture as a part on their on-line lecture series.
Screening of 'Flight at the Royal Ulster Academy Annual Exhibition.
Screening, 'Flight' Online Programme Contemporary Irish Arts Center Los Angeles, USA, CIACLA Sept (2020 -2021)
Invited Artist to the Among School Children painting exhibition, Hamiliton Gallery Sligo to commemorate W.BYeats birth anniversary on the 13th June.
‘Flight’ winner of the Janet Mullarney Prize awarded by the Highlanes Gallery June 2020
Bernie Masterson is awarded the inaugural Janet Mullarney Prize from the Highlanes Gallery 2020 on June 6th 2020.
Seán Kissane, Joy Gerrard and Jerome O Drisceoil were unanimous in their selection of the Janet Mullarney Prize winner who we are delighted to announce is artist Bernie Masterson for her video work, Flight.
Other prize winners were Alastair Asmussem Doyle, Laura Fitzgerald, Helena Gorey, Elaine Grainger, and Susan Buttner. Congratulations to all concerned.
Joy says of the work - it is an original, graceful and enigmatic work. I think we all responded to themes of isolation and vulnerability in relation to 'the body'. It's a beautiful work, and also feels very relevant to our current pandemic situation.
Invited artist to ‘The Eva Gore Booth Exhibition’ consisting of 93 women artists and is curated by the Hamiliton Gallery in Sligo. The exhibition opened on the 31st of january and runs in the MoLI museum until the 8th March (International Womens Day). The Hamiliton Gallery plan to travel the exhibition to either Manchester or Liverpool, details are currently being arranged and once I get notification I will post the information here, so keep an eye out!
The Institute Cervantes, Dublin With Damer House Gallery 21st November 2019.
Screening BOLD WRITING, details posted later.
LOOP Festival Barcelona with Damer House Gallery 11th - 21st November, CAGE, Contemporary Art Gallery Cortines 23, baixos 2 615 32 76 15 Screening BOLD WRITING
Two of my videos will be screened at the 'Open Mind' exhibition in conjuction with the National Creative Arts exhibition by people in custody, RUA RED Gallery Dublin 24. Incarceration Altars and Pre-Text
A panel discussion will follow the day after the opening.
‘Incarceration Altars’ screening in Los Angeles with CIACLA (www.ciacla.com) as part of the Irish Short Reel Series. CIACLA –The Contemporary Irish Arts Center Los Angeles promotes culture and is focused on developing a creative platform to support collaborative initiatives in Los Angeles. The Film Screening Series will run from the 27th July to the 24th August at CIACLA, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica.
Video Screening with Damer House Gallery in conjunction with the ‘Homeland Series’. This year’s theme is ‘On Changing Your Mind’, ‘a journey to the frontiers of the human mind’, curated by Angel Garcia, Natalia Foguet, (Safia Art Contemporani) Barcelona, artists Patricia Hurl and freelance filmmaker Barbara Henkes, and moderated by artist and filmmaker Therry Rudin.
My work in collaboration with Máighréad Medbh titled ‘Bold Writing’ will be screened as part of this series in Damer House Gallery, Roscrea, mid August 2019, and on the 11th November to 21st November at the Loop Festival Barcelona 2019, and finally in the Institute Cervantes, Dublin 21s tNovember 2019.
The Hamiliton Gallery exhibition - The Nineteen Hundred and Ninteeen exhibition is the 5th Invited Artist Exhibition the Hamiliton Gallery has run, which has been thematically inspired by a major poem from WB Yeats, and set in the overall context of Ireland's Decade of Commemoration.
Over 129 Artists have contributed to this exhibition and it is being hosted between the Hamiliton Gallery and The Hyde Bridge Gallery in the Yeats Building.
Under the aegis of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade this exhibition will be shown at the Irish Consulate in New York in Setember.
The exhibition will be officially opened by Ireland's Ambassador in the US, Daniel Mulhall on August 1st, at 1pm in the Yeats Building, Sligo during the 60th Yeats International Summer School and the Tread Softly Festival.
Invitation here, all welcome.
Catallogues for the Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen Exhibition can be bought through the Hamiliton Gallery.
Screening of Incarceration Altars at the European Prison Education Association Conference on the 15th June in the Technological University, Aungier Street, Dublin, followed by a Q and A.
The Hamiliton Gallery exhibition - 'St. Brigid's Day 1989', a poem by Leland Bardwell, is a response to the poem by women artists with a contemporary perspective.
St. Brigid's Exhibition London - A Private Viewing will take place on Tuesday 22nd January 6.30pm – 8.30pm with the Irish Ambassador, Adrian O'Neill and guest speaker Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin at the 12 Star Gallery, Europe House, Westminster, London, open to the public from the 23rd January – 1st February. The exhibition will conclude on St. Brigid's Day, Friday 1st February in London, with a very special event to celebrate Leland Bardwell, poet and author RIP. A selection of her poetry will be read by actor, Olwen Fouere, with music by Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann award winning fiddle player Caoimhe Kearins. The event will run from 3pm – 6pm. Many of Leland's friends, family and contemporaries will be travelling from Ireland.
The exhibition will return to Hamilton Gallery, Sligo, with the opening celebration taking place on Saturday 16th February at 12 noon.The exhibition will run until the 30th March. A catalogue is available of all of the works in the exhibition. Please contact the Hamilton Gallery, 4 Castle Street, Sligo -Tel: +353 71 91 43686,
Damer House Gallery Homeland 'Of Memory' exhibition at Cage | Contemporary Art Gallery Exhibitions | Cortines 23 BAjos 2, 08003 Barcelona in conjuction with the' LOOP' festival Barcelona 2018.
The Homeland programme presents "Of Memory", a kaleidoscope of films that document life and livelihoods in Irish towns and villages. The selection includes professional material, fiction and non-fiction, both sound and silent, and will attract everyone interested in the culture and history of the country. The Damer House Gallery is based in the Damer House and Roscrea Castle Heritage Centre, which rest in the heart of an old town with a history going back to the 6th century. In 2013, it launched a new artists-run, non-profit space for contemporary art, in Roscrea Co. Tipperary. Since 2014, Homeland takes place at Damer House Gallery every year with a different theme. It goes on for two weeks and is organised in collaboration with LOOP Barcelona and Safia Art Contemporani.
Exhibition - Homeland 'Of Memory'
Artists: DI Hu, Sandy Kennedy, Breda Lynch, Bernie Masterson, Laura Skehan, David Quin, Pascal Ungerer, WhittyGordon Projects Gallery Facebook page for photos.
Selected artist for the 137th Royal Ulster Academy Annual Exhibition 19th October 2018 to the 6th january 2019, Ulster Museum. Botanic Gardens, Belfast BT9 5A.
Early Morning Tide - Bunatrahir Bay - Ballycastle - Co. Mayo- Oil on Canvas - 25.4 X 25.4 cm
Selected artist for Damer House Gallery Homeland 'Of Memory' exhibition, Incarceration Altars video #3, single channel, HD, duration 9 mins 57 secs.
Participating artists:
Irish Artists: DI Hu, Sandy Kennedy, Breda Lynch, Bernie Masterson, Laura Skehan, David Quin, Pascal Ungerer, WhittyGordon Projects
Barcelona Artist: Miquel Garcia
‘Homeland’ Video Event exclusively is dedicated to video art and film, a meeting point for professionals and video art lovers.
Homeland aims with to brings together all kinds of representatives involved in the sector, video art and film in a space with international repercussion. A reference point that favors debate among video art lovers and allows visitors to experience new works and to devise
Homeland has become a National benchmark event, an active platform for the diffusion, creation and management of video art for fans and professionals.
Selected artist for the Royal Ulster Academy 136th Annual Exhibition on from the
6th October 2017 – 7th January 2018 Ulster Museum, Botanic Gardens,
Belfast, BT9 5AB.
‘Incarceration Altars’, a collaboration between artist Bernie Masterson and residents of Mountjoy Prison Campus, investigates the relationship between person, place and object through a series of images and prisoners’ narratives.
The art project aims to contextualise the different worlds of prison identity and private identity. Objects provide links to those identities and are also used to reflect on other themes such as ‘mourning and memory,’ ‘transition and passage,’ ‘meditation and new vision,’ and how they serve as a marker in a significant life situation such as incarceration. This project was awarded by the Grangegorman Development Agency under Pathway 2 Round 3 of the Per Cent Scheme, and was partnered by the Irish Prison Service and the City of Dublin ETB. The project was first launched by Professor Ciaran Benson the chair of the Public Art Working Group on the 11th October in the DIT College in Grangegorman. It is planned for the installation to tour to other venues in 2018. Updates regarding those venues and dates will be posted here on the News page. For further information contact: Jenny Haughton Grangegorman Public Art Coordinator Telephone 01 4024140
See my work at the 187th Royal Hibernian Academy Annual Exhibition 2017. Varnishing Day is on Sunday the 21st May at 2 - 5pm and the Opening is on Monday May 22nd from 6 - 8pm. Title ' Pink Clouds over the Ceide Fields', oil on Canvas.
Glitch Festival is celebrating its 6th year and has grown into Ireland's foremost digital arts festival. We work to bring the best of digital arts practices to the fore. Glitch Festival brings leading media and technology artists, curators and artist groups together with audiences to draw out connections between art, culture and technology with the aim of fostering greater critical understanding and debate around artist's interaction, investigation and intersection with technologies.
Sedimentary Structures - Traces of the Live Event 2 May - 10 June
Curated by Matthew Nevin & Ciara Scanlan of Mart. Assistant Curator Deirdre Morrissey
I will be doing a presentation and showing a sound and video work as a part of this festival, Digital Traces – A Glitch Seminar Wednesday, May 17th, 6.30pm.
Featuring: Hugh McCabe's "Ghosts In The Machines: Digital Archaeologies and Viral Art" , Bernie Masterson's "Bold Writing" – A Video & Presentation analysing the act of writing as leaving a resonating footprint, Theo Honohan's "Product & Sum: Putting processes together; composition in digital art" and a presentation from Pierre Jolivet on "Intermedia Art & Self-Generative Processes."
Cruinniú na Cásca, a Creative Ireland initiative presented by RTÉ is a free public event which will take place in towns and cities across Ireland, on Easter Monday with a special large-scale event in Dublin.
Four zones in Dublin city centre, from 11am – 6pm, will celebrate contemporary Irish culture and creativity through a rich variety of live music and dance, coding, art and music workshops, talks and tastings, readings and screenings, special events and more. As part of the all-of-Government Creative Ireland Programme, local authorities around the country will host their own free family friendly Cruinniú na Cásca initiatives in their own counties.
I took part in a conversation around Creativity in Confinement. On the panel were Garry Cunningham, an ex offender, musician, and author of "Joy of Joys', a book outlining his experience in Mountjoy Prison, Vukashin Nedeykovic, direct provision visual artist and researcher asylum archive creator, and myself visual artist and teacher in the prison service. The discussion was moderated by Laurence Mackin of the Irish Times in City Hall at 1.30 on Easter Monday. There was a great turn out for the discussion, and part of it was aired on 'Inside Culture' the following Monday night on RTE radio one at 10pm.
Cruinniú na Cásca, is supported by Dublin City Council, the Office of Public Works and Transport for Ireland.